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We go beyond the product quality to extend the concept and the demands we impose on ourselves to include all processes and associated services that link us to one another and to our customers and suppliers.
Our view of quality is comprehensive
Achieving Quality
We inspire our customers with our outstanding service and exceptional quality. In order to meet customer requirements in the global market and to ensure long-term customer satisfaction, we constantly focus our goals towards our customers. In doing so, we create a motivating and efficient environment at all our locations.
Raising Quality Awareness
Every employee is responsible for maintaining the quality of their performance. Our dedicated and qualified employees contribute to a high standard to always meet the expectations and requirements of our customers.
Processes / Certification
The Quality of our Processes is the foundation of our business success. We are dedicated to the ongoing optimization of our products and services, meeting the requirements of international standards as well as industry-specific requirements.
Nuclear Quality Assurance Program - all steps in engineering, manufacturing, inspection and testing are closely controlled using this separate program, based on ANSI N45.2 and 10CFR50 Appendix B.